Engagement Health Group
Core Capabilities
The building blocks for health and well-being packages, optimized to meet your organization’s unique needs.

Program Management
A dedicated client success manager and an experienced program manager, backed by a proven team focused on the success of the program, including planning, coordinating, advocating, evaluating, and communicating.

Unlimited, On-Demand Health Coaching
Unlimited in-bound health education, coach consultation, and support on-demand.

Health and Well-Being Platform
A robust health and well-being platform with the ability to engage, educate, track, and reward your members for practicing healthy behaviors including challenges, seminars, videos, and a multitude of other motivational and engaging activities and educational content.

Health Promotion
Year-round advocacy and education with engaging challenges to foster a culture that supports lasting, positive change. Choose the level of support needed from an EHG health promotion specialist to deliver initiatives, ranging from client-led to white-glove concierge service through EHG.

Health Screening
Collection and analysis of biometric screening data to identify risk factors driving medical claims, which gauges and guides program progress with objective, clinical data. Biometric screening data collected by a third party may also be used.

Results Review
One-on-one session to review health screening results with a wellness coach which includes results education along with providing warm introductions to available resources from the program and the health and benefits plan.

Behavioral Health Coaching
Individual sessions with an expert health coach to develop motivation and confidence, set SMART goals with realistic action plans, and learn about available benefits and resources. Behavioral health coaching provides education, accountability, and support to members throughout the plan year.

Targeted Diabetes Coaching
Highly engaging and effective, one-on-one, Behavioral Health Coaching and education program for diabetics and prediabetics, inspired by CDC’s Diabetes Prevention Program to help members prevent or gain optimal control of diabetes.

Mental Health Support
From a group coaching series to enhance mental health and resilience, to professional Mental Health Counseling that’s integrated with your program, including inbound, on-demand calls or targeted intervention. Please see Add-On Services for more details on options.

Condition Management
An effective disease management approach leveraging data from biometric screenings and predictive claims analysis to identify members with chronic disease that is uncontrolled. An experienced health coach and a pharmacist engage not only with the member, but with member’s personal physicians to form a highly effective care team that closes gaps in care, reducing illness and medical claims.

Critical Care Management
A concierge, clinical-care-team approach to guide and support members with the most severe and complicated health conditions, connecting these members with the specialists and resources they need for immediate care and resolution. Members are paired with a dedicated health coach to ensure continuous care before, during and after Critical Case Management to ensure seamless transitions and progression through the wellness program.
interested in learning more?
Most employees don’t even know their employer has a wellness program, much less participate or experience the benefits. Even $10,000 per year can make a significant difference in your engagement and results.
When you are ready to begin your journey towards a lasting culture of wellness, contact us for a free assessment of your needs and opportunities.